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How to use PROMO campaigns to get free traffic and more sales.

By October 29, 2021January 19th, 2022No Comments

PROMO campaigns are a very useful tool for when you want to get more traffic to your store and if you are not utilizing it, you should start doing it now.
Whenever we run a promo campaign, even though the conversions from that campaign account for 5-10% of total revenue, we see that the revenue overall increases by 20-25% and that ROAS goes up by 15-20%.
So, if you are making 50k/mo on your store, focusing on promo campaigns more can bring you up to 10k/mo in additional revenue every month and it does not require you to do much work at all.
Ok, so what is the idea behind promo campaigns and why do they work this way?
To understand this, let’s first look at the idea of discount codes. Most of the eCommerce stores are using discount codes in their remarketing campaigns in order to push people to make the sale. The practice is so popular that it led to the situation where customers are taught that they should expect a discount code and wait to purchase until they receive one. This causes a major problem, as people think that the discount codes are ‘fake’ and that the original price is not what the seller expects people to pay. This is especially problematic for luxury sellers, where using discounts may affect the perceived value of their brand.
So how can you use discount codes to push for additional traffic and sales without hurting your brand?
You see, usually people do not trust discounts that are not backed by some reason or special occasion. Therefore, if we can justify a 10% discount with a seasonal event, people would respond much more positively to such promotion. It will be perceived as a real, genuine promotion and if your marketing is on-point, as a result people will rush to buy your products before the promo expires.
Below, you will find a sample event calendar we use when working with our clients. There you will find the most important ‘promo excuses’ in the USA. Make sure to add your brand’s birthday which is a great excuse to offer promo codes and add product-specific events. For example, if you are selling hammocks, you should invent a “Hammock Day” etc.
When it comes to the campaign structure, I am going to share the simplest set-up you can make. First of all, you want to stop all other promotions/discount codes that are running and could coincide with your promo. Secondly, make sure to push the promo to retargeting audiences only. Finally, we’ve noticed that the promo starts picking up only after 2-3 days, so always plan for the promo to run for 5 days at minimum to get the full benefit. Ideally, you want it to run 10-14 days total. You may also want to update your website so that it lets visitors know about the promotion which will help you maintain messaging consistency. You will get an even better result if you combine it with email marketing.